The effects of impurities on the quality of the metallic zinc powder and the current efficiency in zinc alkaline leaching-electrowinning process are investigated. 针对碱浸-电解锌工艺,系统地研究杂质元素对锌电积过程的影响。
The results show that high current efficiency occurs in this process, and the effect of current density on current efficiency is higher than the effect on the plate space. 研究结果表明,在电絮凝工艺处理海水的过程中存在较高的电流效率,电流密度对电流效率的影响高于极板间距的影响;
When powders aluminium oxide is electrolyzed, how to raise the current efficiency in electrolytic cell and reduce cost is studied in this paper. 对采用粉状氧化铝电解时如何提高电解槽电流效率,降低成本进行了探讨。
But the energy consumption will increases at the same time with the increase of pot life because of the increase of cathode voltage drops and of the decrease of current efficiency. 电解槽寿命越长,电解槽的大修分摊成本越低;但随着电解槽槽龄增加,阴极压降的上升和电流效率的降低会造成吨铝电耗增加。
Influence Factors of Current Efficiency in Polysilicon Production Directly by Molten Salt Electrolysis 熔盐电脱氧制多晶硅过程电流效率的影响因素
The heat treatment of positive felt could decrease the cell's resistance dramatically, but that of negative felt induced low hydrogen evolution over potentiality and low current efficiency. 热处理正极碳毡可以大大降低电池极化内阻,负极碳毡热处理后降低了析氢过电位,从而降低了电池的电流效率;
The paper describes the impact of metal ions impurities on current efficiency and electrolytic zinc quality of long cycle electrowinning process. 阐述了长周期锌电积过程中金属离子杂质对电流效率和电锌质量等方面的影响。
Some kinds of side reactions occurred during the electrolysis of brine were pointed out, and their influences on current efficiency were analyzed. 指出电解食盐水时可能发生的几种副反应,分析其对电流效率的影响,介绍利用副反应产物计算阴极电流效率的公式及其应用。
The iron electrode has been used for studying the changes of electric current efficiency and total phosphorus removing rate in the process of treating polluted seawater by electrocoagulation. 采用铁电极对电絮凝工艺处理受污染海水过程中电流效率和总磷去除率的变化进行了研究。
The action of the combined brightener was studied by Hull Cell test, the determination of cathodic current efficiency and polarization curves. 通过赫尔槽试验,电流效率及阴极极化曲线的测量研究了该光亮剂的作用效果。
A rotating disc electrode system was designed to recover Cd and the current efficiency was over 90%. 设计出新型旋转圆盘电极体系回收金属镉,电流效率达到90%以上。
Strengthening management and control is put forward in order to increase the current efficiency and decrease direct current consumption in diaphragm caustic soda production. 提出加强管理和控制,提高隔膜法烧碱生产中的电流效率,降低直流电耗。
Study on measuring technique of instant current efficiency on large sized Al electrolytic cell 大型铝电解槽瞬时电流效率测定技术的研究
This paper briefly describes theory, process and current status of the aluminium industry, introduces the problem of current efficiency of aluminium cell effected by the velocity fields. 论文介绍了当前电解铝工业生产现状、原理和过程,提出了铝电解槽内速度场对铝电解槽电流效率的影响的问题。
Compared between low and high aluminum level production, it is proved that high aluminum level was very important to improve the electric current efficiency. 通过对低铝水平生产和高铝水平生产的长期比较,证明了高铝水平对电流效率的提高具有非常重要的作用。
Study on impact factors of electric current efficiency for electrolysis reduction of TiO_2 to titanium in molten 真空熔盐电解法制备海绵钛电流效率影响因素的研究
The influence factors on the current efficiency were investigated, such as temperature and electric current density. 温度和电流密度对镀液电流效率的影响;
That is hardly a record which inspires confidence in the current efficiency of capital markets or their transparency. 这样的经历很难让人对资本市场当前的效率或透明性抱有信心。
The influence of current density, temperature to current efficiency and the best energy consumption were obtained. 通过实验得出了电流密度对阳极浓缩H2SO4浓度的影响、温度和电流密度对电流效率的影响以及不同电流密度下最佳能耗和电流效率。
Dissolution of aluminum in low temperature electrolyte and current efficiency; 铝在低温电解质中的溶解和电流效率;
This paper discusses the influence of current efficiency in various electrodes, temperature and current density. 并对不同电极、温度和电流密度对反应电流效率影响进行了研究。
Parametric effects on current efficiency was discussed. 还讨论了参数对电流效率的影响。
The energy consumption rate of aluminum electrolytic bath is related with the average voltages and current efficiency. 铝电解槽的电能消耗率同平均电压和电流效率两个因素有关。
Study the electrolysis temperature with the electric current efficiency relation and lowed the electrolysis temperature; 研究了低温铝电解生产工艺电解温度与电流效率的关系和降低电解温度的方法;
Current efficiency and specific energy consumption were given. 文中给出了电流效率和比能耗。
Effect of pH value on cathode current efficiency, dispersibility and so on was studied in this paper. 通过实验研究了溶液pH值对钾盐镀锌液的阴极电流效率、分散能力、镀锌层的外观的影响。
The electroplating rate and the electric current efficiency are also increased. 可以有效地提高电镀速度和电流效率;
Influencing factors of current efficiency and the sulfur content in deposits were analyzed theoretically. 对电流效率和硫含量的影响因素进行了理论分析。
After the low voltage electrolytic production process, electrolytic temperature varying combined with voltage changing have been researched, the relations between the current efficiency and polar distance are achieved, and the effect of current strengthening to current efficiency is analysed. 通过对低电压铝电解生产工艺、电解温度和电压变化的研究,获得了极距与电流效率的关系,分析了电流强化对电流效率的影响。
However, High energy consumption and low current efficiency limits industrial applications of the technology. 然而,高能耗和低处理效率限制了该技术的产业化应用,无论国外还是国内现在都没有进入大规模的工业应用阶段。